الرمز غير صحيح، يرجى التحقق والمحاولة مرة أخرى
Attend an innovative university and experience a hands-on approach to learning applied sciences that ensures your employability.
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Applied Sciences University
Economic Participation
Al Hussein Technical University (HTU) is focused on applied STEM (science, technology, engineering and mathematics) and has a unique educational model that takes a hands-on approach to learning. HTU emphasizes project-based assessments rather than exams, uses engineering workshops and scientific laboratories, and includes practical training through year- long industry apprenticeships. HTU gives students the flexibility to continue their education at various stages in their careers with multi-entry/multi-exit options. HTU was established by the Crown Prince Foundation (CPF) in 2016.
For more information visit: www.htu.edu.jo
HTUx was launched by HTU to offer an alternative to traditional university programs. HTUx is an innovative online educational platform that offers accelerated educational pathways through digital learning models integrated with educational training units. HTUx provides micro-courses that are precisely tailored to the needs of the job market and can be customized and combined into unique education paths.
Higher National Diploma (HND) - Technician Degree
Higher National Certificate (HNC) - Technical Degree
Bachelor’s Degree