الرمز غير صحيح، يرجى التحقق والمحاولة مرة أخرى
The Qusai initiative works to improve the safety of athletes in Jordan through sports therapy training and athletic facilities improvement. The initiative is named after Jordanian footballer, Qusai Al-Khawaldeh, who sadly passed away after a medical incident during a football match.
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Strengthening sports therapy
Economic Participation
Qusai works to ensure the safety of athletes in Jordan. This includes establishing effective emergency responses, enacting a law requiring the presence of medical staff during training or competitions, launching a Sports Therapy master’s degree at the University of Jordan, and regulating the qualification of sports therapists in Jordan.
Qusai was launched in 2015 by HRH Crown Prince Al Hussein bin Abdullah II and is implemented by the Jordan Olympic Committee (JOC) in collaboration with the Crown Prince Foundation (CPF).
To develop a sports infrastructure that encourages and supports athletic careers
To promote athlete safety through sports therapy training and qualification
To improve the safety of athletic facilities
• To raise the readiness of the sports treatment sector to adeptly deal with sports injuries on the field